Fields Without Fences Presenting at Stone Barns Young Farmers Conference

Our garden takes us so many places... Great time at Stone Barns Young Farmer's Conference where we were invited to present on our work at Fields Without Fences. Humbled to be asked to speak about what we love, and honored by the presence of such gracious listeners!

Presentation Description:

How can we begin to heal damaged and neglected landscapes with regenerative agriculture? Join Lindsay Napolitano and Johann Rinkens of Fields Without Fences to explore the intersection between ecological restoration, commercial production and the utilization of medicinal plants in healing our internal and external ecologies through a process of holistic renewal.  Detailing the establishment of their 10 acre small farm site as a case study, they'll explore the applied modalities of permaculture design, forest gardening, habitat restoration, water management and native plant cultivation in transforming a once depleted landscape into a thriving, productive, multi-acre forest garden in three short years.