Working With What Is: Site Specific Plant Selection, Landrace Breeding, and Creating a Resilient Future

Working With What Is: Site Specific Plant Selection, Landrace Breeding, and Creating a Resilient Future

Some time ago, I was dispensing some free advice regarding a proposed meadow conversion with a prospective client. The terrain in question was a former hay field with hospitable soil in a rural corner of eastern Pennsylvania.

She was nervous and unsure about her vision for the site, and in an effort to lighten the load, I offered, “There are many ways to create a meadow depending on your available resources, but at the very least, rest assured there are already meadow plants out there, just waiting.”

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How To Use Elderberries?

How To Use Elderberries?

Understanding the art & science of the tiny berry of mythological proportion - Perhaps you know about the impressive immunological effects of elderberry. You've heard plenty of anecdotes from friends and family about preventing colds and swiftly recuperating from the flu. Maybe you’re well versed in the powerful anti-inflammatory potential of dark berries, and once read that the elderberry boasts one of the highest antioxidant content of all berries… But still one lingering question remains, perhaps the most essential question of all… how exactly am I supposed to take it?

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Article: Reading the Landscape in Snow

Article: Reading the Landscape in Snow

Snow slows the mutable activity of water into a highly observable form. Its imprint on the landscape offers us a window into observing otherwise invisible water, wind, solar, and migration patterns that wield their influence across the earth and sculpt the natural world. Learning the art of landscape reading is a foundational step in developing a deeper relationship with the world around us, and understanding the natural forces that shape and shift its evolving form.

Right now, the streams and creeks are coming alive with rushing water flowing off of farm fields and backyards. It feels like the circulatory system of the earth is coming alive with the first sounds of spring! For this brief moment, between the freeze and the thaw, there are secrets to be gleaned and valuable insights to be revealed.

Read on to learn about the ways in which we can develop a deeper understanding of our landscape and context by reading the patterns of snow…

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