Photo Journal: January in ten photos

Photo Journal: January in ten photos

If January is a seed containing the full articulation of the year, the forthcoming story has been frozen solid around here. Blanketed in a perma-snow since December, we’ve scant seen the earth all month. Temperatures colder than we’ve known in years have tempered our progress on planned forestry work and infrastructure projects, and so we’ve been banging about the interior quite a bit. In the farm office, in the barns, in the house, in the recesses of our subconscious; the idea of a year has been taking shape. All we can plan for, all we can imagine, in the shape of a frozen seed.

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Working With What Is: Site Specific Plant Selection, Landrace Breeding, and Creating a Resilient Future

Working With What Is: Site Specific Plant Selection, Landrace Breeding, and Creating a Resilient Future

Some time ago, I was dispensing some free advice regarding a proposed meadow conversion with a prospective client. The terrain in question was a former hay field with hospitable soil in a rural corner of eastern Pennsylvania.

She was nervous and unsure about her vision for the site, and in an effort to lighten the load, I offered, “There are many ways to create a meadow depending on your available resources, but at the very least, rest assured there are already meadow plants out there, just waiting.”

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Watching this ice storm melt is like lifting the veil on the energetics of elemental forces in the landscape. Where does the water gather and freeze, or trickle and melt? Where is the whipping wind persistent enough to keep a bent branch permanently encased in ice, even as it twinkles in the sun? It is as revelatory as it is enchanting…

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