Photo Journal: January in ten photos

Photo Journal: January in ten photos

If January is a seed containing the full articulation of the year, the forthcoming story has been frozen solid around here. Blanketed in a perma-snow since December, we’ve scant seen the earth all month. Temperatures colder than we’ve known in years have tempered our progress on planned forestry work and infrastructure projects, and so we’ve been banging about the interior quite a bit. In the farm office, in the barns, in the house, in the recesses of our subconscious; the idea of a year has been taking shape. All we can plan for, all we can imagine, in the shape of a frozen seed.

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When the center of gravity shifts

When the center of gravity shifts

We’ve been out of touch for a while. It’s been a challenging time to put to words as the world around us rapidly reorients, and moves like the blustery winds in this otherwise mild spring.

At the start of the year, our center of gravity was already shifting. We ended our three month stay at the farm on Barbertown Idell Road nearly a decade later than expected. Johann’s mom finally moved into the cottage, and we moved to the “new farm,” five years later than anticipated. The intervening years between expectation and realization were some of the most challenging of our lives so far…

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