Photo Journal: February in ten photos

Photo Journal: February in ten photos

“We’re just not used to cold winters like this anymore,” has become an unwitting refrain all season long. Rushing from another vehicle to another building; sliding on the perma-ice in the driveway; offering sparse recompense to Johann as he worked on the freezing pipes in the farm office - I’d shrug, or shake my head and say, we’re just not used to cold winters like this anymore. It’s true. Here in the northeast we’ve grown accustomed to harvesting until early December, and digging trenches in February.

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The shadblow serviceberry are in bloom at fields without fences in the cliffside above the river. Down in the valley below, their namesake, large river fish called shad, are beginning to make their run up the Delaware river to spawn. Just a bit downstream, in the river town of Lambertville, street vendors and local musicians are preparing for this weekend’s annual Shad Fest…

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